Raj Koothrappali Quotes Page 31 of 70

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Quote from the episode The Skywalker Incursion

Howard: You know, I thought our friendship meant more to you.
Raj: So did I.

Quote from the episode The Expedition Approximation

Sheldon: We'll take some funions.
Amy: Anything else?
Sheldon: Some York Peppermint Patties, a couple of Dr. Peppers, and run to Best Buy and see if they have a portable DVD player and Season 1 of a show called Hannah Montana.
Raj: Have her get Season 2. In Season 1 it was still finding itself.

Quote from the episode The Grasshopper Experiment

Dr. Koothrappali: Tilt up the camera, I'm looking at his crotch.
Raj: Sorry, Papa!
Dr. Koothrappali: Oh, there's much better. Hi.

Quote from the episode The Ornithophobia Diffusion

Raj: That is one tough birdie.

Quote from the episode The Jerusalem Duality

Rajesh: Why don't we do it your way then? We'll arrange for this girl to move in across the hall from Dennis so he can pathetically moon over her for months on end.
Leonard: Okay, that was uncalled for.
Rajesh: You started it, dude.

Quote from the episode The Bat Jar Conjecture

Leonard: This is our year, with those guys out, the entire Physics Bowl will kneel before Zod.
Penny: Zod?
Howard: Kryptonian villain, long story.
Raj: Good story. (Covers his mouth upon realizing he spoke to Penny sober)

Quote from the episode The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification

Raj: I'm a lamb!

Quote from the episode The Hot Troll Deviation

Raj: This is not over!

Quote from the episode The Wiggly Finger Catalyst

Raj: Tell her I have a deep sexy voice like James Earl Jones.
Howard: She doesn't know what James Earl Jones sounds like.
Raj: Great. Then she won't know I'm lying.

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Raj: You want a real challenge, try keeping me from eating more of these.
Sheldon: You're just using food to mask the fear that you're fundamentally unlovable and therefore going to be alone forever.
Raj: Damn it, he's good at that, too.

Quote from the episode The Novelization Correlation

Raj: I don't know which Hemsworth is playing Logan Dean, but I know it's a Hemsworth.
Leonard: Well, Logan's actually based on me.
Raj: So a young Paul Giamatti.

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Raj: Well, I know how you feel. I tried one of those electronic Japanese toilets, practically shot myself across the room.

Quote from the episode The Large Hadron Collision

Howard: So what did you end up doing?
Raj: Not much. Nuked a burrito. Prayed to the Hindu God Urvashi that your bowels would loosen and your penis would droop like a willow tree.

Quote from the episode The Recollection Dissipation

Amy: Did you say you guys are working on the guidance system tomorrow?
Leonard: Yeah, why?
Amy: Well, Sheldon said that he was gonna work with me on our quantum perception project.
Leonard: We've had this planned for a week.
Amy: Well, he reconfirmed with me this morning.
Raj: Guys, before this gets ugly, remember, the winner gets Sheldon.

Quote from the episode The Laureate Accumulation

Leonard: Those guys are good at self-promoting, so what? No one ever won a Nobel for being nice.
Raj: Yeah, but if they did, do you know who would win one?
Howard: Are you gonna say Tom Hanks?
Raj: He picked up a shovel and helped the guy replant.

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