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Quote from the episode The Monopolar Expedition

Leonard: Wait a minute. He offered to send you to the North Pole?
Sheldon: Yes. In fact, he was quite enthusiastic. He said, "Frankly, if I could send you tonight, I would."

Quote from the episode The Monopolar Expedition

Sheldon: I'm not good with cold, Leonard. How often have we had to leave a movie theater because I got a headache from drinking the Icee too fast? I can't go.

Quote from the episode The Monopolar Expedition

Leonard: Sheldon, what are the words I can say right now to end this conversation and let me go back to sleep?
Sheldon: Odd, President Siebert posed the exact same question.
Leonard: How was it resolved?
Sheldon: It wasn't. His wife set the dogs on me, and rendered the question moot.

Quote from the episode The Monopolar Expedition

Mrs. Koothrappali: So, she has no problem with her son being eaten by a walrus?
Sheldon: That's very unlikely, Mrs. Koothrappali. If Raj dies, it'll be from frostbite, gangrene, acute sunburn or being ripped to shreds by a hundred pound polar bear.

Quote from the episode The Irish Pub Formulation

Leonard: "Leonard, call me if you're interested in coitus. Sincerely, Maggie McGeary."
Sheldon: And if anyone were to actually call that number, they will hear this: "Top of the mornin' to you. You've reached Maggie McGeary. Leave a message after the wee little beep."

Quote from the episode The Irish Pub Formulation

Sheldon: And here is the clincher, a lock of Maggie's flaming auburn hair.
Leonard: Where did you get that?
Sheldon: From an orangutan in the primate lab.
Leonard: An orangutan?
Sheldon: Well, no one's going to run a DNA test on it, Leonard. Honestly, you over think everything.

Quote from the episode The Hofstadter Isotope

Sheldon: Rut? I think you mean consistency. And if we're going to abandon that, then why even call it Thursday? Let's call it Quonko Day and divide it into 29 hours of 17 minutes apiece, and celebrate it by sacrificing a goat to the might god Ra.

Quote from the episode The Hofstadter Isotope

Penny: While you're there, could you pick up a few comics for my nephew's birthday?
Sheldon: I think you mean comic books. Comics are feeble attempts at humor featuring talking babies and anthropomorphizing pets found traditionally in the optimistically named funny pages.

Quote from the episode The Hofstadter Isotope

Sheldon: Look at that, that's a dent. Thank you, Howard ham-fisted Wolowitz.

Quote from the episode The Hot Troll Deviation

Leonard: Why would you want a glow-in-the-dark ant farm?
Sheldon: They do some of their best work at night.

Quote from the episode The Hot Troll Deviation

Sheldon: All right, I see what's going on. This is the opening salvo in what will be an escalating series of juvenile tit-for-tat exchanges. Well titted.
Raj: Thank you.
Sheldon:Stand by for my upcoming tat.

Quote from the episode The Cohabitation Formulation

Penny: Ooh, I thought I smelled pizza.
Sheldon: That's remarkable. If pepperoni were an explosive substance, you could replace German shepherds at our nation's airports.

Quote from the episode The Cohabitation Formulation

Penny: Today I drove to Van Nuys for an audition I thought was going to be for a cat food commercial. Turned out to be for porn.
Sheldon: Did you get the part?
Penny: I didn't do the audition.
Sheldon: Given the state of your career, can you really afford to be picky?

Quote from the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Penny: Kite fighting?
Leonard: Oh, yeah. It's an extremely competitive, cutthroat sport.
Sheldon: Well, actually, the risk of throat cutting is very low. On the other hand, severe string burn is a real and ever-present danger.

Quote from the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Leonard: Maybe Koothrappali's right. Maybe I embarrass her.
Sheldon: You're embarrassing me right now. A grown man worrying about such nonsense when in the middle of flying kites.

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