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Quote from Amy in the episode The Tenure Turbulence

Amy: You're all wasting your time. Sheldon is the most qualified for the job. And no amount of gravity-defying bosom is going to change that.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Closet Reconfiguration

Howard: It's ridiculous that we still have to walk up all these stairs.
Bernadette: Yeah, try doing it in heels.
Howard: I am.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Cooper/Kripke Inversion

Kripke: My work would suffer too if I was getting laid all the time.
Sheldon: Yes, that is the reason. My work is suffering because of all the laid I am getting.
Kripke: You lucky bastard.
Sheldon: What can I say, you know? She enjoys my genitals. I am giving them to her on a nightly basis.

Quote from Bernadette in the episode The Monster Isolation

Bernadette: It smells pretty ripe in here. You kinda feel it in your eyes.

Quote from Mrs. Wolowitz in the episode The Spoiler Alert Segmentation

Mrs. Wolowitz Oh please. You're a tall glass of brown water. Have dessert.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Parking Spot Escalation

Sheldon: Your threats are empty. Nothing can move me.
(Howard drives his car slowly towards Sheldon, pushing his chair forward)
Sheldon: That's it! I'm calling campus security! You prepare for the scolding of your life!

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Closure Alternative

Amy: Missed one. Now your wish can't come true.
Sheldon: Lucky for you because I wished you were dead.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Santa Simulation

Leonard: Okay Sheldon, to start our quest, you need to open this little Christmas gift I got you.
Sheldon: Christmas? You know I don't enjoy Christmas.
Stuart: Why not?
Sheldon: Oh, where to begin? Trees indoors. Overuse of the words 'tis' and 'twas'. And the absurd custom of one stocking. Everybody knows that socks comes in pairs. Who uses one sock?
Howard: A pirate with a peg leg?
Sheldon: Actually, that helps, thank you.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Contractual Obligation Implementation

Leonard: So now let's bring out theoretical physicist, Dr, Sheldon Cooper.
Sheldon: Hello, female children. Allow me to inspire you with a story about a great female scientist. Polish-born, French-educated Madame Curie. Co-discover of radioactivity. She was a hero of science until her hair fell out, her vomit and stool became filled with blood, and she was poisoned to death by her own discovery. With a little hard work, I see no reason why that can't also happen to any of you. Are we done? Can we go?

Quote from Penny in the episode The Love Spell Potential

Sheldon: I've never played Dungeons and Dragons with girls.
Penny: It's okay, honey, no one has.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Cooper/Kripke Inversion

Kripke: You guys ever use any toys?
Sheldon: I do have a model rocket next to my bed.
Kripke: A rocket? You're a freak! I love it!

Quote from Penny in the episode The Re-Entry Minimization

Penny: Okay, glasses off. Find Waldo.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Bakersfield Expedition

Leonard: What kind of a person steals another person's car in broad daylight?
Sheldon: What kind of person leaves his keys in the car?
Leonard: I thought we agreed this was all Koothrappali's fault.
Sheldon: You're right. (To Raj) Nice going.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Tenure Turbulence

Raj: Yeah, screw it. I'm going in.
Sheldon: Wait. Hold on. I believe screw it, I'm going in, is what I said to your mother last night.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Closet Reconfiguration

Sheldon: I found three bowling pins. Do you juggle these or are you missing seven?
Howard: Juggle.
Sheldon: You health nuts kill me.

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