Wil Wheaton Quotes Page 2 of 4
Quote from the episode The Opening Night Excitation
Leonard: I'm really nervous.
Howard: I know. We've been waiting so long for this.
Raj: We've built it up in our heads so much.
Wil Wheaton: Guys, it's just a movie.
Leonard: That's true.
Howard: He's right.
Raj: It is.
Wil Wheaton: Although, we all remember Jar-Jar.
Raj: Leonard, I'm scared again.
Quote from the episode The 21-Second Excitation
Wil Wheaton: (Imitating Jar Jar Binks) We-sa going to go into the movie now. Bye bye!
Quote from the episode The Habitation Configuration
Wil Wheaton: Listen, Sheldon. I'm really happy to do this for you, but not if she's going to be a huge pain in the ass the whole time.
Quote from the episode The Gorilla Dissolution
Wil Wheaton: Wow, that fell apart really fast.
Quote from the episode The Fortification Implementation
Wil Wheaton: For those of you listening at home. How great is this?
Quote from the episode The Spock Resonance
Sheldon: I also have the other kind of will, and in it I will my Wil back to Wil.
Leonard: Will Wil want it?
Wil Wheaton: Wil won't.
Quote from the episode The Fortification Implementation
Leonard: I went to school for half my life. I have a doctorate. I'm still paying off college loans.
Penny: Well, how much do you owe? Maybe I can help you out.
Leonard: Wil, can we just turn off the podcast for a little bit?
Wil Wheaton: For those of you at home, I am shaking my head "no."
Quote from the episode The Celebration Experimentation
Sheldon: Wil Wheaton, go.
Wil Wheaton: Sheldon, I know that we've had our ups and downs, but I can honestly say that my life is so much more interesting because you are in it. We may have met because you are a fan of Star Trek. But I have become a fan of Sheldon Cooper. Live long and prosper, buddy. And happy birthday.
Sheldon: That's how you do it, Wolowitz. Now you see why he's famous and you're not.
Quote from the episode The Wheaton Recurrence
Sheldon: I am the proud owner of WilWheatonStinks.com, .net and .org!.What does that tell you?
Wil Wheaton: It tells me that I am living rent free, right here (points to Sheldon's head).
Quote from the episode The 21-Second Excitation
Wil Wheaton: He's got the movie. Get him!
Quote from the episode The Indecision Amalgamation
Wil Wheaton: Penny? We're working together. Awesome!
Quote from the episode The Gorilla Dissolution
Wil Wheaton: Penny, it's not about being famous. It's about the art. It's about the passion we have for our craft. *cell phone beeps* I have an audition for Sharnkado 2! If I book this, I am so going to pay you back for this beer.
Quote from the episode The Fortification Implementation
Leonard: Wil, I'm begging you. Please turn that off.
Wil Wheaton: Sure. *turns recording off* *turns recording on* And we're back.
Quote from the episode The Opening Night Excitation
Wil Wheaton: I enjoyed that more than I thought I would.
Quote from the episode The Russian Rocket Reaction
Wil: Hey, I'm having a party at my house on Friday, and I was hoping you would stop by.
Stuart: Will there be girls there?
Wil: Yeah, of course.
Stuart: 'cause there wasn't last time.
Wil: There will be girls.
Showing quotes 16 to 30 of 52. Sort by popularity | date added | episode