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Quote from the episode The Proton Transmogrification

Sheldon: Oh, I'm not going to the funeral.
Amy: Why not?
Sheldon: All those people blowing their noses. You can't tell the sick from the sad.

Quote from the episode The Locomotion Interruption

Leonard: Sheldon, hang tight. Hey, do you want me to bring you anything?
Sheldon: Yes, please. A pair of pants, and my toothbrush, and my mail, and a really good come back for chicken legs. Because "I know you are, but what am I?" was met with stony silence.

Quote from the episode The Junior Professor Solution

Howard: And you love the sound of your own voice.
Sheldon: Well, of course I do. Listen to it. It's like an earful of melted caramel.

Quote from the episode The Expedition Approximation

Raj: Sheldon, you busy?
Sheldon: I'm always busy. This mind is capable of advanced multi-tasking. Currently, I'm attempting to solve the Penrose Conjecture, I'm composing my Nobel acceptance speech for when I've solved the Penrose Conjecture, and I'm wondering how mermaids have babies.

Quote from the episode The Commitment Determination

Amy: Being your girlfriend is so challenging. Emotionally, physically. I've been incredibly patient for years.
Sheldon: Strongly disagree. Go on.

Quote from the episode The 2003 Approximation

Leonard: Where is everything?
Sheldon: In my present, it's in the future. In your present, it's been crammed in the bedroom by an enterprising young man I met in The Home Depot parking lot.

Quote from the episode The 2003 Approximation

Leonard: What about what you said in the restaurant?
Penny: Well, it's not forever. It's just for a while. If you want, we can think of him like he's our dog.
Sheldon: You can. I'm happy when you come home. And I'm scared of fireworks.
And by the way, on July 4th, we're all sleeping here.
Leonard: Fine.

Quote from the episode The Perspiration Implementation

Sheldon: How about you?
Older Woman: I'm married, and I'm her grandmother.
Sheldon: Ah, what might have been.

Quote from the episode The Perspiration Implementation

Amy: I said no.
Sheldon: Interesting. I asked two women out today, and they both said no.
Amy: I didn't know you were interested in dating.
Sheldon: I've been told it's a good way to move on.

Quote from the episode The Sales Call Sublimation

Raj: A medium-sized asteroid.
Sheldon: That's it? How common. That's the chicken fingers on the menu of space.
Raj: I kind of like chicken fingers.
Sheldon: Yeah, me, too. I was stuck for a metaphor.

Quote from the episode The Meemaw Materialization

Amy: When did you get an engagement ring?
Sheldon: My mother gave it to me, and I had been thinking about giving it to you, but then we broke up.
Meemaw: Well, thank goodness for that.
Amy: Sheldon, will you please tell your grandmother to stay out of this?
Sheldon: Oh, I don't think I could do that.

Quote from the episode The Meemaw Materialization

Penny: Hi. Sorry. Sheldon would like to say something to you.
Sheldon: No, I wouldn't.
Leonard: Just get in here.
Sheldon: Hello.
Penny: Go ahead.
Sheldon: Meemaw, look, I'm sorry, but I have to defend my girlfriend to you.
Amy: Oh, Sheldon, thank you.
Sheldon: Oh, great, now you're gonna get emotional. (hands Amy a tissue from Meemaw's sleeve)

Quote from the episode The Celebration Experimentation

Amy: Okay, so how do you feel about party balloons?
Sheldon: Uh, Mylar balloons, yes. Latex balloons, no. Water balloons, I will jump off the roof and aim for your car.

Quote from the episode The Celebration Experimentation

Amy: Have to say, you you do look good in that suit.
Sheldon: Oh, thank you.
Amy: Maybe later I'll, uh, get to see you in your birthday suit.
Sheldon: But this is my birthday suit. Are you having a stroke? Because that's the kind of thing that just ruins a birthday party.

Quote from the episode The Celebration Experimentation

Howard: Sheldon, I don't think everyone-
Sheldon: Wolowitz, perfect. Everyone listen to Wolowitz.
Howard: Okay, then, uh, Sheldon, we've known each other a long time. And it is a pleasure to work with you and call you my friend.
Sheldon: Little generic. Keep thinking. We'll circle back.

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