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Quote from Georgie in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Georgie: Leonard, you know how I got the money to open up my first store? I busted my ass for it, 'cause all the extra money that we had had to go to Sheldon so he could go to college and he could go study in Germany. And do you know what he's never said to me?
Leonard: Danke schon? It's, uh, "thank you" in German.
Georgie: Do you need me to sit on your head?
Leonard: Nope.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Georgie: Leonard, you want a beer?
Leonard: Yeah, I would love a beer.
Georgie: There you go.
Leonard: Thanks. Can you open it for me?
Georgie: No, it's a twist-off.
Leonard: I know.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Georgie: Come on. He was still gonna get beat up for wearing that dress.
Leonard: Well, didn't you sit on his head while he tried to watch Star Trek?
Georgie: Well, yeah, but that was hilarious.
Leonard: That is pretty hilarious, yeah.

Quote from Bernadette in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Penny: [answering video call, seeing Bernadette's case of pinkeye] Oh, my God.
Bernadette: Yeah, I got it, too.
Penny: Wow. You really can't keep your hands off Howard, can you?
Bernadette: I know, I have a problem.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Georgie: What the hell are you doing here?
Sheldon: Hello, Georgie.
Georgie: It's just George now.
Sheldon: Fine, George. No, I don't like it, Georgie.
Georgie: I see you haven't changed one bit.
Sheldon: Thank you, that is a nice thing to say.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Georgie: Hold up. I-I'm confused. You didn't want me at your wedding, but now that Mom won't come, you want me there.
Sheldon: I know you don't hear this a lot, but that is exactly right. Good job.
Leonard: Not helping, Sheldon.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Georgie: We haven't talked in over ten years, and now that you need something, you think you can just show up at my store? Well, let's just drop everything to accommodate Sheldon.
Sheldon: Nice try, but I am not a gullible little boy anymore. I can recognize sarcasm.
Georgie: Okay. You're right. I'm-I'm-I'm sorry. Tell me what you need. Your wish is my command.
Sheldon: That's better, thank you.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Amy: You infected me a week before my wedding. What am I supposed to do about this?
Bernadette: Wear a veil?
Penny: (laughs) ... It's not funny.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Sheldon: Once, when I was eight, I was going to dress as my favorite scientist for Halloween, and Georgie threw my costume away. I had to wear a sheet and go as a ghost. Scared myself all night long.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Amy: Look at what you've done to me!
Penny: Ah, hey. Could you just, like, not touch my computer or like, anything else. I just, ugh, I don't want to look like that in your wedding photos.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Sheldon: Oh, maybe it's fine if she doesn't come to the wedding. I've got Amy now, and she can do everything a mom can do and more.
Leonard: Say that to her on the wedding night. Really spice things up.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Sheldon: This is all Georgie's fault. My whole childhood, he was mean to me.
Leonard: Sorry. I know what it's like to live with a bully.
Sheldon: Your brother bullied you?
Leonard: Oh, I was talking about Penny, but sure, yeah.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Georgie: What do you want, Sheldon?
Sheldon: Why aren't you returning my phone calls?
Georgie: You're supposed to be the smart one; you figure it out.
Leonard: He's not that kind of smart. You might want to give him a hint.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Leonard: [on the plane with Sheldon to Texas] I kept saying no. H-H-How am I here?

Quote from Bernadette in the episode The Sibling Realignment

Bernadette: Aren't you worried it's a little intense to ask someone you just met to go to a wedding?
Raj: (sighs) I'm running out of time. Wh-Wh-Why can't there be a service where you can just pay someone to be your date for the evening?
Bernadette: Like an escort service?
Raj: No, no, no. Y-You wouldn't be paying for sex. I mean, obviously if things went well, it could lead to sex, but, but the money is for, like, you know, her time and companionship.
Bernadette: Oh, I get it an escort service.
Raj: Stop saying that.
Bernadette: Stop meaning it.

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