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Quote from Amy in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Sheldon: We're engaged.
Raj: Oh, my God, that's amazing! Wait, uh, tell me everything.
Sheldon: Well, Dr. Nowitzki was kissing me-
Amy: Okay, you can stop leading with that part of the story.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Howard: Well, congratulations. I'm so happy for you two. Hold on, I have to tell Bernadette. Hey, Bernie, guess what? Sheldon and Amy got engaged. Can you believe it?
Bernadette: (In the bathroom with a pregnancy test) Oh, my God. I cannot believe it.
Howard: She's so happy I think she's crying.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Penny: Do you think Sheldon's gonna want some weird Star Trek wedding?
Bernadette: I don't know.
Penny: Well, Leonard could barely finish the words "Doctor Who wedding cake" before I shut that down hard.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Penny: Is everything okay?
Bernadette: Look, I'm gonna tell you something, but you can't freak out, because I'm already freaking out.
Penny: Oh, my God, what is it?
Bernadette: I'm pregnant again.
Penny: (excitedly) Wha-? ... (quietly) Interesting.

Quote from Bernadette in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Bernadette: This wasn't supposed to happen. We were careful.
Penny: Yeah, I didn't even think you could get pregnant while you were breastfeeding.
Bernadette: Well, guess what? You can!

Quote from Penny in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Penny: Okay, look, look, this is a good thing. Halley's gonna have a little brother or sister to play with.
Bernadette: I guess that would be pretty cute.
Penny: And, you, know, I was a surprise to my parents, and my dad said it was the best thing that ever happened to them.
Bernadette: Okay. Maybe this baby actually is a blessing.
Penny: Oh, my God, honey, of course it is.
Bernadette: (exhales) How am I pregnant again?
Penny: Yeah, what were you thinking?

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Amy: Why don't you stay a few extra days?
Sheldon: Well, I don't have any other clothes.
Amy: We'll get you some.
Sheldon: Oh, I don't know, I'm pretty particular.
Amy: Well, there's a comic book store less than a mile from here.
Sheldon: Perfect, let's go shopping.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Amy: Oh, um, and I'm having dinner with some colleagues tonight. I'm sure they'd love to meet you. Come on, what do you say?
Sheldon: Aw, you're nagging me. It's like we're already married.
Amy: Is that a yes or a no?
Sheldon: Geez, save some for the honeymoon.

Quote from Raj in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Howard: Look at Nowitzki over there.
Leonard: I can't believe she tried to steal Sheldon from Amy.
Raj: You know what? I'm gonna go there and tell her that they're engaged now and that her little plan didn't work.
Howard: Because you're sticking up for Sheldon, or because you're still mad she rejected you?
Raj: Too far away, can't hear you.

Quote from Raj in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Raj: Hello, Ramona.
Ramona Nowitzki: Mm. Hello.
Raj: Why are you sitting by yourself? Oh, that's right, Sheldon's in New Jersey being engaged to Amy.
Ramona Nowitzki: I heard.
Raj: Now that Sheldon's out of the picture, I could give you one more chance to go out with me.
Ramona Nowitzki: Nope, I'm good.
Raj: You sure? I will not ask again.
Ramona Nowitzki: I sincerely hope not.
Raj: Very well. I'm going to leave before this gets awkward.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Howard: Hey. Want me to make dinner?
Bernadette: Uh, sure, but first, why don't you have a seat? There's something I need to show you.
Howard: Ooh, if it's how to make dinner, that'd be great.

Quote from Stuart in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Raj: Hey, Stuart.
Stuart: Oh, hey, Raj. What can I help you with?
Raj: I need to buy an engagement gift.
Stuart: Oh, well, you came to the wrong place.

Quote from Raj in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Raj: It's for Sheldon and Amy.
Stuart: No way! They're engaged?
Raj: Yeah.
Stuart: Well, that's exciting news. Who would've thought Sheldon and Amy would be the next two to tie the knot?
Raj: Tell me about it. I'm the one who caught the bouquet at Leonard and Penny's wedding.

Quote from Stuart in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Stuart: Uh you know, they might like this. Superman and Wonder Woman, it's kind of romantic.
Raj: Hmm. You know what? Why am I buying them a gift? They have love. Screw them and their happiness. What do you have for someone who's bitter and alone?
Stuart: Literally everything.

Quote from Amy in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Amy: This is my fiance, Dr. Sheldon Cooper. That's the first time I've said that and it kind of gave me the goose bumps.

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