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Quote from Amy in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Dr. Harris: Amy, I recently read your paper on lesions in the olfactory receptors in the brain. It was inspired.
Amy: Oh, well, I guess it didn't stink. But if it did, that rat wouldn't have known it.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Dr. Zane: I'm sorry, I'm sure you don't want to sit here and listen to a bunch of work talk.
Sheldon: Oh, no, I love it. No, but let's talk about work. Amy's work, my work. Yeah, why don't we start with my work?

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Dr. Harris: Actually, I do have a question for Dr. Cooper. When Amy first told you about her approach to synaptic tracing, did you think it was gonna revolutionize the field?
Sheldon: Really? That's your question? What are you, Entertainment Tonight?

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Sheldon: You know what? Let me give you a better question. Here, um, "Dr. Cooper, "I heard you were working on a top-secret project "for the U.S. military. Why don't you tell us about that?" See, that's a great question.
Dr. Harris: Okay, what was that like?
Sheldon: Oh, I can't tell you that, it's top-secret.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Sheldon: You know, no offense, but your colleagues were pretty rude.
Amy: Really, they were rude?
Sheldon: Yes. They just kept talking about you and how great you are, no matter how many times I brought me up.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Amy: You know what, Sheldon? You're not always the smartest person in every room. You may not even be the smartest person in this room.
Sheldon: Oh, I am sorry. What, is Neil deGrasse Tyson hiding behind the couch? 'Cause if he is, he's not that smart, it's pretty dusty back there.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Sheldon: Hey, where are you going?
Amy: I'm storming off to my room.
Sheldon: Well, then where am I supposed to storm off to?
Amy: Well, you're so smart, why don't you figure it out? (door closes)
Sheldon: Is there another bedroom? Perhaps a-a den?

Quote from Howard in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Bernadette: Obviously, it was a surprise. There was some crying and some yelling.
Howard: Some suggestion of make-up sex that did not go over well, even though it's not like we can get more pregnant.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Bernadette: But then we realized that it's a gift, in the sense that we didn't ask for it, and we may not have chosen it-
Howard: And we already have one.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Penny: You know, whenever I find a top I like, I always go back and get a second one in a different color. Which I hope is not the case with your baby.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Bernadette: Do it! Have a baby, do it!
Howard: Come on, it'd be so cute, our kids playing together? What do you say, why don't you two hit the old mattress and whip up a family?
Penny: Okay, we're not gonna have a baby just to make you guys feel better.
Leonard: Yeah, if we're gonna have a baby it's gonna be when we are ready, or when I'm certain Penny is gonna leave me.
Penny: Exactly.

Quote from Stuart in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Raj: They're my friends, and I should be happy for them. And I'm trying, but all I feel is this gnawing, empty sensation in my gut.
Stuart: I had that once. Turned out it was a tapeworm.
Raj: Cool.

Quote from Stuart in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Raj: It's just it's hard talking to my other friends about this, but I knew you would understand.
Stuart: Why is that?
Raj: Because you and I are both alone, which is actually kind of comforting, because at least we can be alone together.
Stuart: Mm. This is, this is awkward. I, um, I was actually gonna close up a little early tonight 'cause I have a date.
Raj: Really?
Stuart: Yeah.
Raj: (clears throat) Forgive me if I'm having trouble being happy for you.
Stuart: Don't be silly, I'm loving your pain.

Quote from other character in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Sheldon: Those people were in the presence of a world-class mind, and all they wanted to talk about was their own nonsense.
Stephen Hawking: Can you see the irony in that statement? How about now? How about now? I'll wait.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Proposal Proposal

Leonard: Uh, Surprise!
Penny: Oh, crap. Is it our anniversary?
Leonard: No. Wait. No.

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