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Quote from the episode The Expedition Approximation

Bernadette: Speaking of new careers, how are things going with dark matter, Sheldon?
Sheldon: Oh, I have to say it's the most exciting time in the history of the field.
Bernadette: Oh, what's going on?
Sheldon: I started doing it.

Quote from the episode The Euclid Alternative

Sheldon: I'm clearly too evolved for driving.

Quote from the episode The Pants Alternative

Sheldon: Hello, I know you're out there. I can hear you metabolizing oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.

Quote from the episode The Gothowitz Deviation

Leonard: Sheldon, you need to find a better way of dealing with Penny.
Sheldon: What am I supposed to do? Eat French Toast on a Monday? Now that would be impossible.

Quote from the episode The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition

Sheldon: Do those sound like castanets to you?
Leonard: The box says 'kitchen'.
Sheldon: So? Do cocaine smugglers write 'cocaine' on the box?

Quote from the episode The Excelsior Acquisition

Sheldon: *Knock Knock Knock* Penny. *Knock Knock Knock* Penny.
Penny: *Opening her door* ... Penny.
Sheldon: That's just wrong.

Quote from the episode The Pants Alternative

Sheldon: Now to the astronomers in the audience, get ready to see the dark side of the moon. Now here's Uranus!

Quote from the episode The Prom Equivalency

Raj: Did you go to your prom?
Sheldon: No. I had a date with a proper education. Instead of a tuxedo, I dressed myself in good habits. Instead of spiked punch, I enjoyed the intoxicating flavor of knowledge. Instead of dancing in a gym, I shook my bootie to the seductive rhythms-
Penny: Okay, okay.
Sheldon: -of AP calculus.

Quote from the episode The Love Car Displacement

Sheldon: Radio contact is sufficient. No need to extend your middle finger.

Quote from the episode The Colonization Application

Sheldon: Hi little guy. How'd you like to come home with us? You'll be living with me, because we don't live in the same house.
Amy: But that's not your fault. Like you, we're taking it ridiculously slow. You'll stay with me when he's away for Comic-Con or with work.
Sheldon: Or if they accept daddy's application to live on Mars.

Quote from the episode The Comic Book Store Regeneration

Amy: That's fascinating. I can't wait to read it.
Sheldon: Oh, me as well. Please email it to [email protected] Why .biz? Because I just gave you the business. And also was taken.

Quote from the episode The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Sheldon: Clearly febrile delirium is setting in. Please bring me some soup while I still understand what a spoon is for.

Quote from the episode The Loobenfeld Decay

Sheldon: Leonard?
Leonard: Yes?
Sheldon: (Sarcastic) When we played chess earlier, you were terrific, and I can't wait to play you again. Goodnight!

Quote from the episode The Workplace Proximity

Sheldon: Amy, this isn't easy to say. All relationships are difficult. But even more so when you're with a person who struggles with everyday social interactions. And frankly, who can strike people as being kind of a weirdo.
Amy: Sheldon, you're not a weirdo.
Sheldon: I wasn't speaking about me. I mean, honestly, there's no telling what will set you off. Introducing myself as your boyfriend. Giving you the opportunity to drive me home. Breaking the ice with you colleagues using ethnic humor - the funniest kind of humor.

Quote from the episode The Fuzzy Boots Corollary

Sheldon: (to Leonard, who has decided to give up on Penny) Well, at least now you can retrieve the black box from the twisted, smoldering wreckage that was once your fantasy of dating her and analyze the data so you don't crash into Geek Mountain again.

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