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Quote from Penny in the episode The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Leonard: How was Nebraska?
Penny: Oh, better than North Dakota! [silence] I guess that joke's only funny in Nebraska.
Sheldon: From the data at hand you really can't draw that conclusion. All you can say with absolute certainty is that that joke is not funny here.
Penny: Boy, it's good to be back.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Leonard: What the hell are you doing?
Sheldon: I'm making petri dishes to grow throat cultures.
Leonard: With lime jello?
Sheldon: I need a growth medium, and someone polished off the apricot yogurt. Here, swab my throat.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Howard: It was Sheldon.
Leonard: I tried to stop you.
Howard: It's my own fault. I forgot the protocol we put in place after the great ear infection of '06.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Penny: Sheldon, what are you doing here?
Sheldon: I'm sick, thank you very much.
Penny: How could you have gotten it from me? I'm not sick.
Sheldon: You're a carrier. All these people here are doomed. You're doomed!

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Penny: Okay, what kind of soup do you want?
Sheldon: Well, my mother used to make me this split pea with little frankfurter slices and these home made croûtons.
Penny: We have Chicken Tortilla and Potato Leek.
Sheldon: Can I get any of those with little frankfurter slices and home made croûtons?
Penny: No.
Sheldon: Then surprise me.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Penny: Sheldon, you are a grown man, haven't you ever been sick before?
Sheldon: Well, of course, but, not by myself.
Penny: Really, never?
Sheldon: Well, once. When I was fifteen, and spending the summer at the Heidelberg Institute in Germany.
Penny: Studying abroad?
Sheldon: No, visiting professor. Anyway, the local cuisine was a little more sausage-based than I'm used to, and the result was an internal blitzkrieg with my lower intestine playing the part of Czechoslovakia.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Raj: Well if you leave now, you can be back before the gorillas rip the crap out of Charlton Heston.
Howard: Unless Sheldon's there, in which case you'll be trapped forever in his whiny hyper neurotic snot-web.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Howard: Alright, you're close enough to Sheldon's room, deploy the sensor. Now turn it on.
Leonard: It wasn't on?
Howard: No.
Leonard: Then why did I have to crawl?
Howard: Oh, I guess you didn't.
Leonard: Okay, it's on.
Howard: Good. From this point forward you will have to crawl.
Leonard: I know!

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Sheldon: Do you think Penny will come here and take care of us?
Leonard: I don't think Penny’s ever coming here again.
Sheldon: I'm very congested.
Leonard: Yeah, so?
Sheldon: Can you go to the kitchen, and get me the turkey baster labeled mucus.
Leonard: If I stand, I'll vomit.
Sheldon: Under the sink, yellow Tupperware bowl.

Quote from other character in the episode The Jerusalem Duality

Dr. Gablehauser: I thought maybe you boys could show Dennis around, let him see why we're the best physics research facility in the country.
Dennis Kim: I already know you're not. You don't have an open science grid computer, or a free electron laser, and the string theory research being done here is nothing but a dead end.
Sheldon: Excuse me, that is my research, and it is by no means a dead end.
Dennis Kim: Well, obviously you don't see it yet, but trust me, you will.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Jerusalem Duality

Sheldon: What the hell do you mean, dead end?
Dennis Kim: I mean, the whole landscape of false vacuums in string theory could be as large as ten to the five-hundredth power. In addition ... ooh, look, chocolate milk.
Sheldon: I sense a disturbance in the force.
Leonard: (Imitating Yoda) A bad feeling I have about this, mmm-hmmm.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Jerusalem Duality

Sheldon: Alright, and this is my office.
Dennis Kim: Is this part of the tour?
Sheldon: Nope. Goodbye.
Leonard: Come on, Sheldon, we've hardly shown him anything.
Sheldon: Oh, alright. This is my desk, these are my books, this is my door, please close it behind you. Goodbye.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Jerusalem Duality

Leonard: Come on, Dennis, I'll show you the rec centre, they've got nautilus equipment.
Dennis Kim: Do I look like I lift weights?
Leonard: Not heavy ones.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Jerusalem Duality

Leonard: It's like looking into an obnoxious little mirror, isn't it?

Quote from Penny in the episode The Jerusalem Duality

Leonard: Just eat, Sheldon, you'll feel better.
Sheldon: Why waste food? In Texas when a cow goes dry they don't keep feeding it, they just take her out and shoot her between the eyes.
Penny: I'm confused, did Sheldon stop giving milk?

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