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Quote from Amy in the episode The Comet Polarization

Sheldon: Can you believe it? In the past decade, I have spent thousands of dollars in that store, and this is the thanks I get.
Amy: You're right. I mean, he could at least get you a mug.
Sheldon: He gave me a mug. What do you think I'm drinking out of? Do you even pay attention?
Amy: Honestly, less and less.

Quote from Amy in the episode The Comet Polarization

Sheldon: Amy, the comic book store is like my version of the country in Black Panther.
Amy: Okay, I'm afraid this is gonna get really offensive to certain groups.
Sheldon: The nation of Wakanda was a hidden gem, and they wanted to keep it that way, because they knew if they opened it up to the world, everything that was special about it would get ruined.
Amy: Are you done?
Sheldon: Yes.
Amy: (relieved sigh) Oh, okay. That both made sense and wasn't offensive.
Sheldon: And to make things worse, Stuart hired some woman.
Amy: There we go.

Quote from Raj in the episode The Comet Polarization

Raj: Well, I'm sorry she's upset. But she didn't discover it.
Leonard: Oh, come on, you know she was a part of it. Just add her name to the registration.
Raj: But I already told everyone at work that I did it. My boss was so excited, he started calling me Captain Comet. Which is better than his last nickname for me: Dr. Doughnuts. Because one time I had two doughnuts. And two times I had three doughnuts.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Comet Polarization

Leonard: I guess you're just gonna have to swallow your pride.
Raj: I, I, I can't do that.
Leonard: Sure you can, just pretend it's two or three doughnuts.

Quote from Raj in the episode The Comet Polarization

Raj: You don't understand. Leonard, I need this. My last big discovery was: if you press your upper lip hard enough, you can block a sneeze.
Leonard: I told you that.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Comet Polarization

Raj: This is all my fault. I brought this upon myself. I'm a bad scientist. I'm a selfish person.
Leonard: No, no, don't get upset. You're not a bad person. Just let me talk to Penny. I'm-I'm sure I can make her understand.
Raj: Thank you. You're a good friend, Leonard.
Leonard: I'm glad you think so, 'cause I may be living here soon.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Comet Polarization

Howard: I talked to her yesterday. She really seems to know her stuff.
Sheldon: Challenge accepted.
Howard: That is not what that was.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Comet Polarization

Penny: Where have you been?
Leonard: I went to yell at Raj.
Penny: And? Is he gonna give me back my comet?
Leonard: Interesting thing.
Penny: Did you cave?
Leonard: Maybe I did, or maybe I did.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Comet Polarization

Leonard: But I did realize something. I-I don't need to fight your battles. You you are a strong and independent woman. You have your own voice. And, to quote another strong woman, Katy Perry, it's time to hear you roar.
Penny: Did you just think of that on your way home?
Leonard: What do you want from me? The song was on in the car. But it doesn't mean that it's not true.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Comet Polarization

Leonard: I know I don't say it enough, but you go, girl.
Penny: That was enough.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Comet Polarization

Bernadette: What's all this?
Howard: Well, we missed our date night, and Stuart's working again, so I thought we could have a date night here at home.
Bernadette: Aw, that's so sweet.
Howard: Oh. So is that really what you're wearing to our date night?
Bernadette: Well, Stuart's not here and the kids are sleeping. I could wear nothing.
Howard: You might want to hold off on that, we're starting with soup.

Quote from Stuart in the episode The Comet Polarization

Stuart: Oh the funniest thing happened today. You know the, uh, receipt tape in the cash register? It ran out. I didn't even know it could do that.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Comet Polarization

Bernadette: There goes date night.
Howard: Are you kidding? Stuart's here! Get your purse. We're going out.
Bernadette: What about the dinner you made?
Howard: Right. Hey, Stuart! That can of soup sitting by the stove, that's for you!
Bernadette: You made canned soup for date night?
Howard: And you wore sweatpants. Let's go.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Comet Polarization

Sheldon: Oh, and it turns out Denise is also really excited for Dan Slott's run on Iron Man, because he was her favorite Spider-Man writer, too.
Amy: How about that?
Sheldon: Oh! And guess who goes to art school right here in Pasadena.
Amy: Hmm. I don't know. Denise?
Sheldon: You're a good guesser, Amy. Not as good as Denise, though. She thought I would like this comic, Arrowsmith, and she was right.

Quote from Amy in the episode The Comet Polarization

Amy: You must be Denise.
Denise: Oh, yeah. How can I help you?
Amy: I'm Amy, Sheldon's fiancée.
Denise: Oh. I got to be honest, I wasn't a hundred percent sure you were real.
Amy: Oh, I am.

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