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Quote from other character in the episode The Geology Elevation

Sheldon: I am not proud of this. But I have been envious of your recent success.
Bert: Wow, I won the MacArthur Grant, everyone's jealous of me. Once I get LASIK, I'll be out of things to wish for.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Brain Bowl Incubation

Amy: Sheldon, that's enough.
Sheldon: Oh, yeah, no, fine. Let's just agree that both creations are special in their own way and it is foolish to try and compare them. Although, we didn't need to have sex with Howard for ours, so we win.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Locomotion Reverberation

Leonard: I got it.
Howard: You really figured it out?
Leonard: No, but when we show this nonsense to Sheldon, it will make him crazy, and he'll have to fix it.
Howard: Oh, you're a genius.
Leonard: Yeah, I know. That's not even a math symbol. That's just Charlie Brown's hair.

Quote from Bernadette in the episode The Dependence Transcendence

Bernadette: Not every girl dreams about being a mom. Sometimes you think you're never gonna have kids and one day you wake up and you're pregnant. And it doesn't matter that your career's going great right now and that you and your husband never even got to go anywhere taped to a dog!

Quote from Stuart in the episode The Separation Agitation

Howard: How about after this we go see the exotic bird show?
Stuart: Not a good idea. My hair is a coveted nesting material.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Emotion Detection Automation

Leonard: Penny's gonna call her dad and tell him it's not a good time for Randall to visit.
Penny: Hopefully, he won't be too upset.
Leonard: Oh, you're his little girl. He can't stay mad at you.
Penny: He won't be mad at me. I mean, you're the one who doesn't want my brother to come, so-
Leonard: So you're gonna throw me under the bus?
Penny: Oh, I'm gonna throw you so hard, I might actually win a stuffed animal.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Romance Recalibration

Raj: No offense to her father, but he's not an MIT-trained engineer. Thinking and building is what you do.
Howard: MIT's motto is "Mind and Hand," which just so happens was also my motto as a lonely teenager.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Veracity Elasticity

Sheldon: Why would she keep something from me, you know? I shared my body with that woman. And my Netflix password. They recommended "Stella Got Her Groove Back" because of her.

Quote from Stuart in the episode The Birthday Synchronicity

Howard: Stuart, stop driving like an old man. Speed it up a little.
Stuart: I'm not an old man! I just can't see at night.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Hot Tub Contamination

Bernadette: Uh, I left my phone downstairs!
Howard: Damn, so did I.
Bernadette: Wait, I have my iPad.
Howard: What are you going to do, e-mail 911?

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Holiday Summation

Sheldon: Oh, you know. The Lone Star state. That should be its Yelp rating.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Long Distance Dissonance

Penny: All right, this is making me crazy. Somebody's got to go over there.
Leonard: You got feet and legs, you do it.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Brain Bowl Incubation

Penny: Could you two really have some sort of super-intelligent child?
Amy: Well, there is a genetic component, but that doesn't guarantee anything.
Leonard: That's true. Sheldon's father once picked a fight with a cactus.
Penny: Yeah, but that's just his Earth parents. We don't know anything about the ones that sent him here.
Leonard: Well, we know they were smart enough to send him away.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Dependence Transcendence

Bert: Okay, well, thanks for coming by. You're nice people.
Penny: Well, so are you. In fact, you know what? We will never take you for granite. Did you get that? Granite? A little geology joke.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Birthday Synchronicity

Penny: She said not to come. It's gonna be a while.
Amy: (sighs) Well, first deliveries can be slow.
Sheldon: I am starting to rethink the Flash onesie I bought this kid.

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