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Quote from the episode The Maternal Congruence

Penny: I always tear up when the Grinch's heart grows three sizes.
Sheldon: Tears seem appropriate. Enlargement of the heart muscle, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, is a serious disease which can lead to congestive heart failure.

Quote from the episode The Misinterpretation Agitation

Leonard: Wow, Donkey Kong. This was my game when I was a kid.
Sheldon: Because it's a story of a pretty blonde girl tirelessly pursued by a small oddly-shaped man?

Quote from the episode The Agreement Dissection

Sheldon: You may have gone to Cambridge but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy.

Quote from the episode The Locomotive Manipulation

Sheldon: I made a new friend who likes trains as much as I do, I kissed Amy on the lips, and the conductor played his banjo for me.

Quote from the episode The Wildebeest Implementation

Sheldon: There's no need to interact with me. I'm just here to observe.

Quote from the episode The Bus Pants Utilization

Sheldon: I'm not saying that all senior citizens that can't master technology should be publicly flogged. But, if we made an example of one or two it might give the others incentive to try harder.

Quote from the episode The Colonization Application

Amy: Acquiring a joint pet is a big step for us.
Sheldon: It's true. It means we care so much about each other, there's enough left over for an eight-ounce reptile.

Quote from the episode The Cooper Extraction

Amy: Did you hold the baby?
Sheldon: I did.
Amy: And how did it make you feel?
Sheldon: Looking into the blank, innocent eyes of a creature that couldn't begin to comprehend anything I was saying ... basically another day at the office.

Quote from the episode The Septum Deviation

Amy: It's sweet that you care about him so much.
Sheldon: I do. And I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to him, and I wasn't at his bedside to say "I told you so".

Quote from the episode The Herb Garden Germination

Sheldon: Doctor Greene, question?
Dr. Greene: Yes?
Sheldon: You've dedicated your life's work to educate the general populous about complex scientific ideas.
Dr. Greene: Yes, in part.
Sheldon: Have you ever considered trying to do something useful? Perhaps reading to the elderly?
Dr. Greene: Excuse me?
Sheldon: Yeah, but not your books. Something they might enjoy. I kid of course, big fan.

Quote from the episode The Opening Night Excitation

Penny: Well, what's the third option?
Sheldon: That I have coitus with her.
(Penny's wine glass smashes in her hand)

Quote from the episode The Vartabedian Conundrum

Sheldon: I trust Leonard satisfied you sexually last night.
Leonard: Oh good God! Sheldon we don't ask questions like that!
Sheldon: I heard you ask it over and over. How is it inappropriate for me to ask it once?
Stephanie: He did very nicely.
Sheldon: See? She's not offended. And now you finally have an answer.

Quote from the episode The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition

Sheldon: I got a splinter.
Amy: What do you want me to do about it?
Sheldon: Relationship Agreement - Section 4: Boo-boos and Ouchies. You have to take care of it.
Amy: I should've gotten a lawyer.

Quote from the episode The Jerusalem Duality

Sheldon: Engineering. Where the noble semiskilled laborers execute the vision of those who think and dream. Hello, Oompa-Loompas of science.

Quote from the episode The Earworm Reverberation

Sheldon: This is Leonard. He's your best friend in the world.
Leonard: All right, just stop. This is ridiculous.
Sheldon: Sometimes he gets cranky, but you can trust him with your life. And he does more things for you than I can even begin to list.
Leonard: Thank you.

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