Season 6 Quotes Page 50 of 51
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Sheldon: Well, now, but do you think that's a good idea? You know Star Trek. Should a guy with no name and a red shirt really go on an expedition?
Raj: Hey, don't discourage him. This is a fantastic opportunity.
Sheldon: No one asked you, Uhura.
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Sheldon: Would you like to hear a classic Sheldon Cooper factoid?
Leonard: What do you think?
Sheldon: Great. I've been doing some reading about vehicular safety. Did you know that the highest number of drowning accidents happen on or around boats?
Leonard: Interesting that you would bring that up when I might go work on a boat.
Sheldon: Well, that's the thing about factoids. They're interesting.
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Leonard: I know what you're doing. You don't want me going on this research trip because you're afraid to be alone.
Sheldon: I'm not afraid to be alone. On land. On the sea, it would be terrifying. Because of all the drowning.
Quote from Leonard in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Leonard: Look, I appreciate your signature blend of concern for me and incredible selfishness. If I get the chance to do this, there is nothing you can say that's going to stop me.
Quote from Raj in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Raj: If you look carefully at Venus, you should be able to see the International Space Station pass by.
Lucy: Wow. Your friend was actually up there?
Raj: Yeah. He brought me back a T-shirt that said "My Friend Went to the Space Station and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt".
Lucy: Did he take the T-shirt to space?
Raj: Nope. It's exactly as lousy as advertised.
Quote from Penny in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Leonard: So, listen, do you remember when I said the similarities of the equations of general relativity and hydrodynamics suggest you could find the equivalent of Unruh radiation in a large body of water?
Penny: I thought I said that to you.
Quote from Penny in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Leonard: I'll be on a ship in the North Sea.
Penny: On a ship? Aren't they afraid Hawking will just roll overboard?
Leonard: Uh, he's not gonna be there. He's just sending a team to research his theory.
Penny: Oh, sure. Like when you send me to kill spiders in your bathtub.
Quote from Penny in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Penny: Oh, sweetie, if you're gonna screw things up, it's gonna be while you're here, not while you're away. No. I mean, look, you have to go. It sounds like an amazing opportunity. And I'm just basing that on how much I didn't understand what you said about it.
Quote from Howard in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Leonard: Really, you guys do not need to throw me a going-away party.
Howard: Are you kidding me? How often can you say bon voyage to somebody when they're actually going on a voyage?
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Leonard: Anyway, you guys really don't need to make a big deal.
Sheldon: Leonard, you're being selfish. We need to give you a proper send-off so we'll have closure when you die at sea and crabs eat your face.
Penny: Sheldon, sweetie, shut up.
Quote from Raj in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Amy: Ignore him. He's a little nervous 'cause he doesn't think I understand the severity of your social anxiety.
Raj: What the? Are you crazy? You can't talk about social anxiety to someone who has social anxiety. It makes them socially anxious!
Quote from Leonard in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Bernadette: So, have you ever spent a long time on a boat before?
Leonard: Yeah.
Penny: Are you referring to the time we got stuck on the Small World ride at Disneyland?
Leonard: Yeah.
Quote from Howard in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Howard: I'm proud of you, Leonard. Working out on the North Sea for months, that's really something.
Leonard: I know. As far as science goes, this is the adventure of a lifetime.
Howard: Maybe your lifetime. I went to space.
Leonard: It's not a competition.
Howard: You're right, you're right. I'm really proud of you, and I'm gonna miss you when you're gone. And space beats water.
Quote from Howard in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Howard: It was really nice of you to try to be happy for Leonard.
Sheldon: Thank you.
Howard: It must've killed you when I went to space.
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction
Sheldon: Penny, we’re in the red zone. The white zone is for loading and unloading. We’re breaking the law.
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