Sheldon Cooper Quotes Page 82 of 262

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Quote from the episode The Agreement Dissection

Sheldon: According to the Roommate Agreement, Paragraph 9, Subsection B: The right to bathroom privacy is suspended in the event of force majeure, and believe me, I am experiencing a very majeure force.

Quote from the episode The Griffin Equivalency

Sheldon: Hey! Look I found my missing neutrino.
Howard: Oh, great! We can take it off the milk carton.

Quote from the episode The Russian Rocket Reaction

Sheldon: You just got off the list, would you like back on it?

Quote from the episode The Habitation Configuration

Sheldon: Someday scientists will discover that second X chromosome contains nothing but nonsense and twaddle.

Quote from the episode The Locomotive Manipulation

Sheldon: Howard, what pocket watch will you be wearing for dinner on the train?
Howard: I'm sorry, what?
Sheldon: Well, I'm afraid if we wear the same pocket watch it will be embarrassing.
Howard: I don't own a pocketwatch.
Sheldon: Oh, my. Well my apologies for bringing up this sore spot.

Quote from the episode The Matrimonial Momentum

Sheldon: Leonard, have you gotten married yet?
Leonard: No. Why?
Sheldon: Good. Don't do it.
Leonard: Why not?
Sheldon: Some important new information has come to light. Women are the worst. I thought it was paper cuts but I was wrong. No piece of paper ever cut me this deep.

Quote from the episode The Toast Derivation

Sheldon: When he finished, he shouted "Eureka"!
Zack: No, I always shouted, "Holy, moly!" Don't know why, just do.

Quote from the episode The Panty Pinata Polarization

Penny: Where are my clothes?
Sheldon: Your clothes?
Penny: Yes. I left them in the washers and when I went down to get them, they were gone.
Sheldon: Really? Despite the sign that says: "Do not leave laundry unattended?"

Quote from the episode The Focus Attenuation

Sheldon: I remember it distinctly because I had just finished writing my poem commerating the anniversary of Dr. Seuss's death.
Howard: No one wants to hear it.
Sheldon: Why die? Why did he die? All told, I was told he was old.

Quote from the episode The Benefactor Factor

Sheldon: It's not a touch phobia, it's a germ phobia. If you'd like to put on a pair of latex gloves I'll let you check me for a hernia.

Quote from the episode The Cohabitation Formulation

Sheldon: Leonard, social protocol states when a friend is upset, you offer them a hot beverage, such as tea.
Howard: Tea does sound nice.
Sheldon: You heard the man, Leonard. While you're at it I am upset we have an unannounced house guest, so make me cocoa.

Quote from the episode The Codpiece Topology

Sheldon: Look on the bright side.
Leonard: What's the bright side?
Sheldon: Only 9 more months to Comic-Con.

Quote from the episode The Staircase Implementation

TV Announcer: Up next Babylon 5.
(Sheldon looks at Leonard)
(Penny listening to Sheldon and Leonard argue from her apartment)
Leonard: You're not even watching it.
Sheldon: I can hear it.
Leonard: The dialogue offends you?

Quote from the episode The Dumpling Paradox

Christy: Mmm! There's my little engine that could.
*Howard makes train noise*
Sheldon: There's one beloved children's book I'll never read again.

Quote from the episode The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary

Sheldon: From Hell's heart, I stab at thee!

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