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Quote from Bernadette in the episode The Neonatal Nomenclature

Howard: Michael? Really, you think we're naming him Michael?
Bernadette: Not now, Howard. I'm in the middle of a game.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Novelization Correlation

Sheldon: I'm sorry. It's, I'm trying to show you that I can change. I don't want you to miss out on things because of me.
Amy: I know you don't.
Sheldon: You know, and maybe somewhere out there, there is a little girl who will see you on Wil's show and realize that she, too, can grow up to be a brilliant, amazing, successful scientist.
Amy: Thank you.
Sheldon: Who is really terrible at chess.
Amy: Got it.
Sheldon: No, no, no. I mean really bad. What was your queen doing over there, going shopping?

Quote from Raj in the episode The Separation Triangulation

Raj: Well, since we're sharing pictures, I have one to contribute.
Leonard: Please don't let it be you and your dog in the bathtub.
Raj: It's not. But don't swipe.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Matrimonial Metric

Sheldon: Maybe we're being old-fashioned, defining these roles by gender. You know, historically, the best man's role was to defend the bride and groom in combat. I mean, if that's not Penny, I don't know what we're doing here.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Reclusive Potential

Howard: That's great, everyone's got weekend plans. Amy has her bachelorette party, and Sheldon's gonna go to the woods and get hunted for sport.
Penny: Yeah, as someone who has to track him every time he gets lost in IKEA, I feel like I'd be really good at that.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Retraction Reaction

Howard: We're here. What's going on?
Penny: Okay. As far as I can see, science is dead, 'cause Leonard killed it. And, uh, I don't know who the Romulans are, but those guys know how to party.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Novelization Correlation

Sheldon: Well, regardless, I can change.
Howard: Sure.
Raj: Yeah, of course you can.
Sheldon: You know, everybody thinks I'm so predictable. Well, tomorrow I'm gonna show up at work and do something no one will expect.
Howard: Wear a baseball cap backwards to prove your point?
Sheldon: ... Yes, but which hat?
Raj: Gryffindor.
Sheldon: Well, now that you guessed it, I'm not gonna do it.
Raj: Yeah, you will.
Sheldon: Yeah.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Reclusive Potential

Amy: Are you sure you're gonna be okay this weekend?
Sheldon: Of course. No, I'm much more concerned about you. I know how you gals behave when the men are away.
Amy: You do?
Sheldon: I've read The Bacchae by Euripides. Drinking wine, riding panthers Proof that girls have gone wild for over 2,500 years.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Matrimonial Metric

Amy: So we break down each of the roles into their component parts, and then design specialized tests for each.
Sheldon: Exactly. Boy, if I had known getting married was going to involve so much science, I'd have proposed years ago.

Quote from Amy in the episode The Matrimonial Metric

Amy: How are we gonna make these decisions without anybody getting upset?
Sheldon: Well, what if we take emotion out of the process, and base it on empirical metrics? Then we aren't really making the decision; the data is.
Amy: So we can hurt our friends' feelings without taking any responsibility? Me likey.

Quote from Amy in the episode The Matrimonial Metric

Amy: But how do we apply quantitative metrics to something as subjective as choosing a wedding party?
Sheldon: That decision only seems subjective. In reality, people in a wedding party perform very specific functions, and some will perform those better than others. If I may use a superhero analogy-
Amy: You may not.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Neonatal Nomenclature

Bernadette: You know what, maybe we're putting too much pressure on this. It doesn't matter what we name him. He's gonna be amazing.
Howard: You're right. This kid is part you and part me.
Bernadette: Yeah. He's gonna be smart and kind and funny.
Howard: If he cracks five-foot-six, it'll be a miracle.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Matrimonial Metric

Sheldon: Well, I would say that this constitutes a catering crisis.
Amy: I agree. Who's gonna step up and handle it?
Leonard: Doesn't matter. This is fine.
Amy: Penny?
Penny: (mouth full) What?
Howard: You know what? I'll take care of it.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Matrimonial Metric

Sheldon: Excuse me, b-before we start eating, I-I would like to make a toast.
Leonard: Oh, nice.
Sheldon: If only I could think of one. Someone else go.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Neonatal Nomenclature

Howard: How you feeling?
Bernadette: Eh. But I am really excited to meet our son.
Howard: Me, too. I thought I'd be super freaked out. But I'm ready for this. Well, not the part where you're in labor and you squeeze my fingers till they turn blue.
Bernadette: I'm sorry. That must be really painful for you.
Howard: It is. I mean, last time, I- Okay, I see what you're doing.

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