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Quote from Raj in the episode The Paintball Scattering

Anu: This should be fun. I've never played before.
Raj: Oh, fair warning, it can get pretty ugly out there.
Anu: Okay, well, remember, I'm your fiancee.
Raj: Oh, I remember. Do you?

Quote from Amy in the episode The Confirmation Polarization

Dr. Campbell: Well, this certainly is a thrill for us. Lunch with you two, and, uh, tomorrow, we're gonna see a taping of Ellen.
Dr. Pemberton: She's having John Stamos on. Uncle Jesse!
Amy: Sounds fun.

Quote from Raj in the episode The D & D Vortex

Sheldon: Raj, do you have something to add?
Raj: You brought shame upon yourself and your family. It's not funny, but it's true.

Quote from Bernadette in the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Howard: Quick question: Does it happen to do with online tastes that might or might not reflect their real-life tastes?
Bernadette: I know all about your tall girl website. It goes on our credit card.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Change Constant

Penny: You know, you're the only person who could win the biggest prize in science and still be upset about it.
Sheldon: It's just all the times I thought about winning, I never thought about how it would ch-- affect my life. I'm sorry, I'm genuinely concerned about your liver.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Procreation Calculation

Howard: I've known you a long time. You believe in romance more than any person I've ever met and it's hard to see you give up on that. But if you really think marrying this woman is gonna make you happy, then you have my complete and total support.
I will be with you every step of the way.
Raj: Thanks, Howard. That means a lot.
Howard: So, hey, is this wedding gonna be in India?
Raj: Ah, maybe.
Howard: Urgh.

Quote from Anu in the episode The Paintball Scattering

Anu: That was my ex-boyfriend. Some of his stuff was still at my house, and he stopped by to pick it up.
Raj: And did you give it to him? Did you give him his stuff?
Anu: If "stuff" means sex, then no. If "stuff" means his Waterpik, then yes.

Quote from President Siebert in the episode The Confirmation Polarization

President Siebert: You two. Bring it in.
Sheldon: (stammers) What are we bringing in?
Amy: A hug.
Sheldon: Oh. No, I don't want to.
President Siebert: Well, what you don't want, you don't get.

Quote from Amy in the episode The Confirmation Polarization

President Siebert: I hope you know, with these new data supporting your theory, we could be looking at a Nobel-winning achievement.
Sheldon: And by "we," you mean "we," not "we."
President Siebert: "We," "we," whatever.
Amy: Whee!

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The D & D Vortex

Leonard: Sheldon, why are you walking everywhere?
Sheldon: Just get a horse. I had a horse. It got hit by a train.
Leonard: Get another one.
Sheldon: I can't just replace Chauncey. I'm still in the grieving process.

Quote from Penny in the episode The Conference Valuation

Penny: I think things are going pretty good.
Bernadette: Are you aware that Dave's in the break room crying?
Penny: Yeah, I told him if he's gonna be a crybaby, go to the break room.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Conference Valuation

Howard: Bernadette thinks I have poor parenting skills.
Leonard: Maybe she's basing that on your poor husbanding skills.
Howard: Who can say? I'm bad at a lot of things.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Inspiration Deprivation

Raj: Hey, check it out. That looks like the moped you used to have.
Howard: It wasn't a moped. It was a scooter.
Raj: How's that better?
Howard: You do not want to walk into a scooter bar and ask that question.

Quote from Raj in the episode The Change Constant

Amy: Raj, please, not now.
Raj: Hey, what's wrong?
Amy: My picture's all over the Internet, and I look terrible.
Raj: No. Let me see. Well, that is an unfortunate angle. But who cares? You just won the Nobel. You should be proud of this moment.
Amy: I know I shouldn't care about how I look, and I never thought I did. It-It's stupid and shallow, but I just can't help it. Am I really this frumpy?
Raj: No. No, you are a beautiful woman. By the way, if you're not happy with those pictures, then make some changes. Get a haircut, new clothes, new glasses, big glasses - No glasses, then you won't be able to see those pictures.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Stockholm Syndrome

Sheldon: Uh-oh. That's the fourth time she's been to the bathroom in the last two hours.
Amy: So?
Sheldon: Her breakfast was binding. I made sure of that.
Amy: So?
Sheldon: So she clearly has some sort of stomach distress. If it's viral, we're all susceptible.
Amy: She's probably just airsick.
Sheldon: Yeah, but what if she's not? What if we get what she has? What if we infect the King of Sweden? That's how wars start. [Penny leaves the bathroom and instantly heads back] All right, that's it, this is Outbreak and she's the monkey.
Amy: [faintly] Wait. Stop. Be reasonable.

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