Season 6 Quotes Page 2 of 51
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Date Night Variable
Sheldon: Amy, when I look in your eyes and you're looking back in mine, everything feels not quite normal. Because I feel stronger and weaker at the same time. I feel excited and, at the same time, terrified. The truth is, I don't know what I feel, except I know what kind of man I want to be.
Amy: Sheldon, that was beautiful.
Sheldon: I should hope so, that's from the first Spider-Man movie.
Amy: I'll take it.
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Monster Isolation
Sheldon: She's remarkable.
Leonard: She really is.
Sheldon: How is it that she can remember all those lines, yet as a waitress she can't remember no tomato on my hamburger?
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Holographic Excitation
Stuart: Hey. Hey, look at you guys!
Amy: I'm Raggedy Ann, and he's Raggedy C-3PO.
Sheldon: It was a compromise. I lost.
Quote from Amy in the episode The Re-Entry Minimization
Amy: We could go to the cadaver lab at UCLA and play real-life Operation.
Leonard: Uh-uh.
Sheldon: No.
Penny: I don't think so.
Amy: Are you sure? I mean, the nose doesn't light up, but if the corpse is fresh enough, sometimes you can get the leg to jerk.
Quote from Amy in the episode The Fish Guts Displacement
Sheldon: You know, its a tad old-school, but my father was not one to spare the rod when my brother would sneak into his truck and drink his driving whiskey.
Amy: You want to spank me?
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Re-Entry Minimization
Sheldon: The word is Polish. See, look.
Polish sausage. And the model of the solar system developed by Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish astronomer. And then, finally, if that wasn't enough, which it should've been, this is Madame Curie killing herself by discovering radium, who, although she was a naturalized French citizen, was Polish by birth.
Penny: Excuse me, the word is polish. See? Small p.
Sheldon: Ah! So it is. I guess we both share blame on this one.
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Re-Entry Minimization
Penny: You're unbelievable.
Sheldon: I know.
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Tenure Turbulence
Sheldon: Well, that's a fine how-do-you-do. (To Amy) Don't just stand there. Take your breasts out.
Quote from Howard in the episode The Holographic Excitation
Howard: A week ago, I was an astronaut.
Bernadette: Yeah, well, today you're a Smurf! Keep moving!
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Parking Spot Escalation
Sheldon: You know what they say. Revenge is a dish best served nude.
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Re-Entry Minimization
Sheldon: Yeah, you had a good run, fake Wolowitz. We'll remember you with nostalgic fondness. The way we do the dial-up modem, the VHS tape, or Leonard's gym membership.
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Extract Obliteration
Stephen Hawking: What does Sheldon Cooper and a black hole have in common? They both suck.
Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Parking Spot Escalation
Sheldon: Leonard, make Howard stop being naked in my spot!
Quote from Penny in the episode The Parking Spot Escalation
Penny: You know, I remember my first bikini wax. My sister did it with duct tape and melted Crayolas. To this day, I can't look at a box of crayons without crossing my legs.
Quote from Raj in the episode The Bakersfield Expedition
Raj: Insurance will replace your car, it won't defunk my junk.
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